VHS, analog Video and S-Video are no longer used or supported. Please use main PC or laptop optical drive/s or a VGA converter.
Adrian Cadbury, Susan Cadbury and ABS 2.10(L5) have separate BluRay/DVD players.
If you’re showing a TV Programme or film, Box of Broadcasts is now called
Learning on Screen now available via the Library Database A-Z list where you will be redirected to OpenAthens Aston login.
The link to the L section of the A-Z list is http://libguides.aston.ac.uk/az.php?a=l
The direct link to Learning on Screen is https://go.openathens.net/redirector/aston.ac.uk?url=https://learningonscreen.ac.uk/ondemand
The contact in Library is Nicola Dennis (Business & Law Information Specialist)
0121 204 4497