New Crestron Touch Panel Explained


This screen is displayed when the touch panel is first touched and turned and on







From this page you can select the source which you wish to use, the black writing also tells you what you need to do on each source





This clears the selected source






If the source you selected is not turned on or plugged in, you will be presented with this red message






By tapping the Microphones setting, you can control all 4 of the microphones. If a mic is muted, it will appear with a red cross inside. You will be able to mute them individually and change the volume. Use the button to mute all mics at once.





There is also a camera page which will control the camera in the room used for recording








There is also a built in phone which can be used the call the IT help desk for any support needed






The panel can also receive call, incoming calls will look like this






If the system does go offline for any reason, this page will appear and you will still be able to call the IT help desk






For pages that you are not allowed access to, this passcode page will pop up. Simply click the ‘x’ in the top right corner or any of the menus below




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